Simplify Crew Management

with Employee tracking software

Efficiently manage your crew with our comprehensive time and attendance app—supervisor check-ins, scheduling, robust communication, and more.

Simplify Crew Management
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Simplify Crew Management

Companies That Trust Us

What would you like to manage with allGeo?

crew management

Efficient Crew Management

field employee visibility

Field Employee Visibility

timesheet errors

Eliminate Timesheet Errors

field productivity

Improve your Field Productivity

field work
field data

Efficient Crew Management -

customized workflow
field employee visibility

Field Employee Visibility +

timesheet errors

Eliminate Timesheet Errors+

improve field productiviy

Improve your Field Productivity +


Crew Time and Attendance

Crew Time and Attendance

With dynamic punch-in forms, supervisors can easily upload recorded hours for both individual employees and entire groups, ensuring precision and eliminating problems like buddy punching and time theft. Supervisors can also perform a crew check-in/out at job sites.

Crew Time and Attendance
Timesheet Management

Timesheet Management

Timesheet Management

Effortlessly manage crew timesheets and approvals. Supervisors can either edit in bulk or select specific crew members for work-hour updates/changes.


Job scheduling

Job scheduling

Supervise shift demands, monitor staff availability in real-time, and promptly adjust to avoid staffing issues. Send real-time schedule updates to your crew for enhanced field operations efficiency.

Job scheduling
Smart Approvals

Smart Approvals

Smart Approvals

Manage crew work hours and update requests with predefined rules, ensuring the appropriate supervisor review. Utilize time and attendance data exception handling for efficient and hassle-free crew time request approvals.


Real-time Location Tracking

Real-time Location Tracking

Track your crew's location in real-time and get real-time updates on their arrival and departure from the job site. Ensuring their safety and improving operational efficiency.

Real-time Location Tracking
Set up rules and alerts

Set up rules and alerts

Set up rules and alerts

Create custom rules and receive real-time alerts to stay informed and proactive in your crew management. For instance: Receive alerts for availability changes, ensuring crew sufficiency.


Reports & Analytics

Reports & Analytics

Gain valuable insights and make data-driven decisions with reports and analytics functionality. Get real-time visibility into crew performance metrics, configure reports to your requirements, and leverage historical data for improved job planning.

Reports & Analytics
Safety Monitoring & Threat Escalation

Safety Monitoring & Threat Escalation

Safety Monitoring & Threat Escalation

Ensure crew safety with our app's automated safety alarm, periodic safety checks, and multi-level threat escalation channels. For instance, if a crew member fails to respond to a safety check, the app will automatically send out an alarm to supervisors and trigger 911.


Easy Integration

Easy Integration

Plug allGeo into your current workflow. Use web API or pre-built connectors to seamlessly connect to CRM, HR, ERP, Payroll or Accounting systems in your workflow.

Easy Integration

What Our Customers Say

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Explore advanced time tracking workflows to improve field operations efficiency

Explore advanced time tracking workflows to improve field operations efficiency

Frequently asked questions

Crew management software is a comprehensive tool designed to streamline various aspects of managing a crew, including tracking employee time and attendance, scheduling shifts, monitoring job progress, and ensuring compliance with labor regulations.

Crew management software offers numerous benefits, such as improved efficiency in tracking employee time and attendance, enhanced scheduling capabilities to optimize workforce allocation, reduction of timesheet errors, increased productivity in the field, and simplified compliance with labor laws and regulations.

Our employee tracking software provides a range of features including crew clock in/out, time and location tracking, scheduling, job tracking, rules and alerts, labor compliance tools, payroll integration, pay rate automation, customizable reports and analytics, real-time location tracking, safety monitoring, and easy integration with existing systems.

Our software offers dynamic punch-in forms for employees and supervisors, allowing for easy recording of hours worked both individually and for entire crews. Supervisors can perform crew check-ins/outs at job sites, ensuring accuracy and preventing issues like buddy punching or time theft.

Absolutely. Our software allows supervisors to effortlessly manage crew timesheets and approvals, with options for bulk editing or selecting specific crew members for updates or changes. This streamlines the approval process and helps minimize errors.

Our software enables supervisors to monitor shift demands, track staff availability in real-time, and make prompt adjustments to avoid staffing issues. Real-time schedule updates can be sent to the crew for improved operational efficiency.

Yes, our software offers customizable features such as custom reports, rules, and alerts, allowing you to tailor the system to your specific requirements and workflows.

Our real-time location tracking feature is highly secure and designed with user privacy in mind. Location data is encrypted and access is restricted to authorized personnel only.

Yes, our software offers easy integration with CRM, HR, ERP, Payroll, or Accounting systems using web APIs or pre-built connectors, allowing for seamless connectivity within your workflow.

We provide comprehensive customer support to assist users with any questions or issues they may encounter. Additionally, we offer training resources and documentation to help users make the most of the software's features.

We are here to Simplify!

Optimize your crew management with the perfect tool for the job. Take charge and achieve unparalleled efficiency today.

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