Employee time tracking app for android and iphone

Part of the allGeo platform, time tracking helps businesses track employees in real-time. Turn your field employees smartphone into a time and location tracking app and set up rules and alerts based on arrival and departure.

The employee time tracking app enables businesses to automate their field operations making it easier to manage their field staff and improving productivity. Get customized reports for payroll and compliance purposes. Data from the allGeo platform can be imported automatically into payroll platforms through API integration.

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Multiple ways to record employees’ time and location

Employees can clock in/out manually or they can be clocked in/out automatically based on job location. Get real time visibility into field employees using the employee time tracking app. Works on all smartphones.

How does the allGeo employee time tracking app work?

The software works via a mobile app. Employees need to install the app from the App Store and complete the registration process. Once the mobile number is registered, the manager/admin needs to set up employee information in the system. With this step, employee tracking starts automatically and managers have employee location available in real-time.

allGeo employee time and location tracking Features

  • Zero Touch Employee Time Tracking
  • Avoid Buddy Punching
  • Collect any type of field Data
  • Employee Privacy
  • Custom Reports & Analytics

Provides zero touch employee time tracking app wherein employees will be clocked in/out based on arrival and departures. Enable setting up of custom rules and alerts based on time and place (Eg. If an employee arrives late or departs early, alerts will be triggered to the Admin/Manager).

allGeo employee time tracking app makes sure that employees are not clocking in/out with the help of their fellow employees while at not work. The allGeo employee time tracking app allows employees to take a selfie or capture signatures as proof with geo tagged time and location.

Employees can collect any type of field data such as notes, tasks, signatures, pictures or use custom forms. Managers can view field data in real-time or generate automatic reports.

allGeo’ employee time and attendance tracking app protects employees’ right to privacy while tracking them. Employers need to have a policy in place informing their employees that their device has employee time tracking software installed on their phones that will monitor their whereabouts.

Generate reports based on time spent, location, mileage etc. The reports can be generated in different formats like pdf, xlxs, htm or can be passed to different systems via API for payroll and compliance purposes. allGeo also offers custom reports based on customer requirements.

Leading Brands we have worked with

allGeo Apps

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