Mobile Employee Time Clock App with GPS

Turn your employees phone into a Mobile Time Clock App, set up rules and alerts based on arrival and departures.

Allows employees to clock In/Out and log their location with a GPS time stamp. Automate field operations with employee clock In/Out or late arrival or early departure. Get a customized report for payroll and compliance purposes.

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Multiple ways to capture employees time and location

allGeo allows employees to Clock In/Out manually or automatically. Employees can clock In/Out manually via the Mobile App and record their attendance and breaks. If an employee forgets to clock in, a notification will be sent to the employee/manager.

With allGeo’s employee Time clock app, Clock In/Out will be automatic as and when employees arrive and leave a job site. It is easily set up with Geofence technology. With Geofencing, you will know that the remote employee is working in a certain geographic area. If the geofence is defined as within 200 feet of their job site, it will alert businesses when the employee travels outside their assigned sites. Using this technology, you can measure the amount of time the employee spent at sites during work hours. And after work hours, monitoring can be automatically turned off to respect the employees privacy.

How does allGeo mobile Time Clock Work?

In order for employees to use the time clock app on their smartphones, the employee’s information is first entered into their administrator’s account. Then the Administrator/Manager sends an SMS to the employee to install the App or ask them to download the app from the App Store and complete the registration process.

The Admin/Manager needs to assign job sites and tasks (specific to each employee or Group) that will appear on their Mobile Time Clock App. The jobsites/tasks can also be assigned in real-time when the employees are in the field and they will be notified about these new tasks through the App message/SMS.

allGeo Employee Time Clock Features

  • Zero Touch Time Clock
  • Avoid Buddy Punching
  • Collect any type of field Data
  • Employee Privacy
  • Custom Reports & Analytics

Provides zero touch clock app wherein employees will be clocked In/Out based on arrival and departures. Set up custom rules and alerts based on time and place (Eg. If an employee arrives late or departs early, alerts will be triggered to the Admin/Manager).

  • Automate Clock In/Out based Jobsites
  • Easily monitor employee time and location in real-time
  • Assign tasks based on jobsites/ location
  • Communicate with Employees in real-time via App
  • Get reports in different format or integrate with Payroll system

allGeo app makes sure that employees are not clocking In/Out based on their fellow employees while at not work. The allGeo time clock app allows employees to take a selfie or capture signatures as proof with geo tagged time and location.

  • Geo-tagged time and location to ensure the authenticity of Data
  • Employees can capture images/signatures as authentication of visit
  • Define Clock In/Out based on jobsites
  • Set up rules and reminders to know employees arrive and leave jobsites
  • Track time, paid/unpaid breaks, and time off etc.

Employees can collect any type of field data such as notes, tasks, signatures, pictures or use custom forms. Assign tasks/jobs in real time location and time. View data in real-time or generate automatic reports.

  • Collect any type of Inspection Data: Building, Electrical, Vehicle, Food, Swimming & Maintenance etc.
  • Conduct complex inspections with rich data collection including signature, photos, QR / barcode
  • Add conditional logic and validation to forms
  • Geotag all field activities to create a ‘system of record’ right from your customer job sites
  • Stay compliant with regulatory requirements
  • Use any Android or iOS smartphone and tablet

allGeo’ employee time clock app protects employees’ right to privacy while tracking them. Employers need to have a policy in place informing their employees that their device has a GPS employee time clock app installed on their phone that will monitor their whereabouts.

  • allGeo’s employee time clock app do not track employees after job hours
  • Do not track employees without their consent
  • Ensures that time records are accurate, company policies are followed and employees are engaging in safe behavior
  • Monitoring overtime and compliance with labor laws
  • Ensuring compliance with safety regulations by confirming that employees are not speeding or otherwise violating traffic laws in the field

Generate reports based on time spent, location, mileage etc. The reports can be generated in different formats like pdf, xlxs, htm or can be passed to different systems via API for payroll and compliance purposes. Also allGeo offers custom reports as per the customer requirements.

  • Scheduled and on-demand reports for location, time, visits, mileage and more
  • Track idle time of employees or where they have spent during job time
  • Easily generate reports in different formats eg. xls, xlsx, html, pdf etc.
  • Get custom reports as per customer needs
  • Integrate with Payroll/CRMs or any backend system of your choice for Payroll and Compliance purpose

allGeo Apps

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